Graphic Designs


Craft soda campaign

Created using Adobe Illustrator

STOP TIME is a made-up healthy craft soda company fully designed by me. The 'stopping time' idea comes from my desire for the beverage to not only captivate customers with its exceptional flavor but also to possess the ability to metaphorically slow down the passage of time and aging because of its beneficial nutritional factors.

The hourglass design represents time standing still. I came up with word-play for each can's name: Stop Lime, Grasp Time and Strawb Time, representing each of the flavors.

'Dead' brand ad

Created using Adobe Photoshop

The goal of this project is to redefine a dying brand's purpose. 20 Mule Team Borax is supposed to be a laundry detergent, although, I found that it is able to serve for other uses. One of them is preservation of flowers. For my ad, I decided to go with a pop-culture reference, to go along with the new target market.

fast food ads

Created using Adobe Illustrator

Lana Del rey Poster

Created using Adobe InDesign

This project is a gift I made for a close friend of mine based on one of her favorite songs.

The design is meant to represent a vintage-looking newspaper, featuring lyrics from Lana Del Rey's "Cherry" and images that match the song's feel. 

Hands-on designs

Created using pencils and markers